In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happiness is being a Mom!

 We had a little early Mother's Day celebration last weekend.  The sun was shining so my daughter in-law Candice, and my grandsons Silas and Riley had a little picnic in the backyard. 
 Tod's Mom and sister Jodi came down from Pennsylvania for a weekend visit.
 They joined in the picnic fun too!
 This picture of my Mom and Dad was taken not long before she passed away.   It will be 5 years ago on  May 15th.  I miss her so and wish I could spend another Mother's Day with her and tell her how much I love her and tell her what a wonderful Mom she was to all of her 6 children.   We all miss her laughter!
 This is a picture of my Grandma and Grandpa holding onto my dad when he was a little one.  I wonder if they were out celebrating Mother's Day in this photo?
 This is a picture of me and my son Jamie when he was around 2 years old.  Two red heads!  I always loved being a Mom.
 This is one of my most favorite childhood pictures.  That's me in the flowered bathing suit in front.  Mom is behind me along with three of my sisters.  The twins were not born yet.  We LOVED our swimming pool and have so many wonderful childhood memories of swimming in it to cool off on a hot summer's day.  There was no air conditioning back in those days!
 This is a picture of my Mom holding her Grandson Derek.  My Mom LOVED holding and rocking babies.   She couldn't get enough of them!  
These are the beautiful Mother's Day flowers  that I received  from
my son and daughter in-law.   They are such gorgeous flowers!
Took my breath away when I opened the door!  :)

To be a Mother is one of the highest callings a women can ever have.  To  put aside your own wants and needs and spend endless days wiping tears and little noses, sweet hugs, changing diapers,  playing silly games, bandaging scraped up knees, holding little hands as you cross the street.  Then one day all to soon, they grow up and leave the nest.    And you are left with the sweet memories of what once was, and the gentle reminder that you are so blessed by the Lord to be called one of the most beautiful names there is.....the name of Mom.

Psalm 113:9  he settles the barren women in her home as the happy mother of children.  Praise the Lord.

Have a blessed Mother's Day!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Warming Our Toes In The Sand

Tod, Dad, dogs and I all took a little weekend trip recently to Ocean City.  It was such a nice break from all the yard work that I have been doing.  We had 10 yards of mulch delivered and I have been busy weeding, edging and mulching and my poor body is in need of a rest.
The beach was a nice place to escape to!
Dad and I are early risers, so we took the dogs down to the beach to watch the sun come up.
It was glorious!
It reminded me the scripture in 2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
Boy my tired and weary body so needed this down time!
My 83 year old Dad really enjoys the beach!  He has always loved the water no matter how cold it is!  He was even in the Navy when he was a young man.  There is salt water running through his veins! 
Fortunately for me, my husband Tod is also a beach lover!  We have a Yellow Lab named Brody who is just over a year old.  This was Brody's first trip to the beach and he just LOVED it! 
A few times he broke loose from the leash and took off down the beach like a bolt of lightening!
He was a good boy and came running back to us when we called him.
Brody had cut his leg on something a few days before we left and he had fresh stitches in his right front leg so we had to be very careful not to let him go in the ocean.  But I know that if he could have he would have!  :0)
Here I am with the dogs at their favorite sniffing pylon on the beach!
When the sun came up, the sky was a beautiful shade of blue with only a few clouds around!   What more could you ask for?  This fence was lined with the sweetest little brightly painted  birdhouses!

I loved this pattern in the sand.....but it also reminds me of all the cellulite that covers my thighs!  yikes! lol!
This sign says it all..... and we were all more than happy to oblige!

Love The Beach!
And we left with big smiles on our faces!

Hope you have a blessed day!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Is it or isn't it?

Inside my house my decorations are saying's SPRING TIME!

This rabbit sure has a look of confidence!

But outside it is saying something totally different!

We had a surprise Spring snow fall a few days ago!

Everything was covered with a 3" blanket of the heavy wet stuff.

Even my poor rose bush was shivering!
We were all so surprised by it, because this has been a very mild winter for us here on the Eastern Shore.

I know these delicate little purple flowers didn't appreciate it!

And I am sure this little bird in the tree was not singing a happy song either!

But the calendar is saying that it's springtime.....

......and that the season of singing has come!

But God is saying something else about the changing seasons.....
He's saying that we are to be patient, be still and we are to rest until He say's that the
 "Season of Singing has come".

Recently I found my son and grandson doing just that! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hidden Hope

It's been super cold here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland....down right frigid!!
We even had a little bit of snow and sleet fall this morning....
Rusty and Brody are just lovin it....constantly running in and out!
I am so thankful that I don't have to go out and drive at all today!  It's just a  slippery mess out there!

 I'm happy to  just be home, doing a little reading and some housework today.   My Amaryllis bulb is really starting to take off now!  Even Brody looks surprised at how fast it's growing!  lol!

I did go outside for a bit this morning to have a look around.  I love looking at foot tracks left in the snow.... and then I try to figure out what little critter made them...these are most definitely made by a little bird.

I did discover something in the snow this morning that made my heart flutter and put a HUGE smile on my face......

Daffodils!  Oh Yea!
They are poking their tips up through the ice and snow....and giving me much needed hope and encouragement.
Hang in there!  Spring is coming!  :)

Hope you have a blessed day too!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Puzzled ?

Ugh!....... Don't you find it SOOOO DISAPPOINTING when  you have spent days working on a puzzle and you have finally finished it, only to discover that it is missing one piece?
Where on earth could it be? I have searched high and low for it.  The endless possibilities of what happened to it run through my head. Maybe this piece fell out of the box at the factory ...maybe my sleeve accidentally brushed it to the floor, maybe I vacuumed it up or maybe the dog ate it???
I know it's not the end of the world, and it seems so trivial... but this just does not sit right with me! It goes against my grain!
It's like baking a cake and not slathering the icing on it....or painting a beautiful picture and not putting your signature on it!
I know, I know, I know.....I really need to put this small annoyance into proper perspective.
If this is the only disappointment I have had to deal with all week long, then I have been truly blessed by the Lord!    And for that I am thankful!   :)

Hope you had a blessed week too!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Soup and Amaryllis

For wintertime entertainment, I planted an Amaryllis bulb. I really enjoy watching these beautiful bulbs grow so rapidly and then bloom. This bulb promises to have red and white we shall see what appears over the next several weeks.

I also made HUGE pot of chicken noodle soup. I have been sick since before Christmas with a terrible cold/cough!   All over the news are reports that the flu is now rampant in our area! Thank the good Lord I got a flu shot just before Christmas!   If I had not gotten the flu shot, my cold might have been even worse....if that is at all possible! 
Or maybe, just maybe.... I got sick because I got the flu shot?  Who knows?
 Anyway, when I am sick I always crave a nice hot bowl of chicken noodle soup...there is something so comforting and healing about it. yummmm! 
How about you?  What comforts you when your feeling sick?

 Blessings on your day and try to stay healthy!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Double Trouble

The boys have been visiting us for four days. They love running and playing throughout the house.  I found these two along with our dog in our shower stall playing.......btw...the water was not running!   lol!   Then a short time later I found all three of them jumping on our bed!   Our dog Brody is not allowed up on our furniture.....but he LOVES playing with Riley and Silas and I am sure that he could not resist the temptation to join in the fun on the bed!     :0)

Have a blessed day!