In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Friday, August 31, 2012

By The Light....

I took this picture two nights ago as the moon was rising in the evening sky.    It was the kind of moon that just takes your breath away when you first catch sight of it.    Beautiful!
Well, it's the beginning of Labor Day weekend.  It's so hard to believe that the summer is fading away.  When I am outside and I stop and pay attention to what's going on around me, I notice that my vegetable garden is yielding less and less,  the hummingbirds have been aggressively feasting at the feeder in preparation for their long journey south, the crickets have been chirping loudly, and it's dark outside by 8p.m.   :(
I really hate to see summer slip away!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Canning Some Garden Goodness

One day last week I had  a refresher lesson in canning some summertime goodies.
My girlfriend and her Dad can jalapenos and peppers every summer.
It's a precious father and daughter team that have been doing this together for years.   I was delighted to lend a helping hand and share in their memory making.  I brought over some peppers and jalapenos from my little garden, but these two baskets are from Diane's HUGE garden.  She told me that these two baskets were only about 1/3 of her peppers from the garden!  Wow!
 Here I am am stirring the syrup mixture and bringing it to a boil before it's added to the peppers.   We had to be careful when handling these peppers.   If you touch your eyes or lips it burns like crazy for hours!
                               I love the beautiful colors!
Here is Diane and Paul her father removing the jars from the boiling kettle.  Paul is removing a broken jar from the kettle.  Several jars broke over the course of the morning.   We weren't sure why this happened.......... maybe we packed them to tightly and did not leave enough room for expansion.........  who knows?
Anyway, I had a delightful time in the kitchen that morning with this dynamic duo!

Hope you have a blessed day!