In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Warming Our Toes In The Sand

Tod, Dad, dogs and I all took a little weekend trip recently to Ocean City.  It was such a nice break from all the yard work that I have been doing.  We had 10 yards of mulch delivered and I have been busy weeding, edging and mulching and my poor body is in need of a rest.
The beach was a nice place to escape to!
Dad and I are early risers, so we took the dogs down to the beach to watch the sun come up.
It was glorious!
It reminded me the scripture in 2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 
Boy my tired and weary body so needed this down time!
My 83 year old Dad really enjoys the beach!  He has always loved the water no matter how cold it is!  He was even in the Navy when he was a young man.  There is salt water running through his veins! 
Fortunately for me, my husband Tod is also a beach lover!  We have a Yellow Lab named Brody who is just over a year old.  This was Brody's first trip to the beach and he just LOVED it! 
A few times he broke loose from the leash and took off down the beach like a bolt of lightening!
He was a good boy and came running back to us when we called him.
Brody had cut his leg on something a few days before we left and he had fresh stitches in his right front leg so we had to be very careful not to let him go in the ocean.  But I know that if he could have he would have!  :0)
Here I am with the dogs at their favorite sniffing pylon on the beach!
When the sun came up, the sky was a beautiful shade of blue with only a few clouds around!   What more could you ask for?  This fence was lined with the sweetest little brightly painted  birdhouses!

I loved this pattern in the sand.....but it also reminds me of all the cellulite that covers my thighs!  yikes! lol!
This sign says it all..... and we were all more than happy to oblige!

Love The Beach!
And we left with big smiles on our faces!

Hope you have a blessed day!

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