In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Lambs

 On Tuesday, my girlfriend Diane asked me to ride along with her to another farm to pick up three baby lambs that were orphaned.
Her truck would not start, so we had to use my SUV.   Two of the lambs were caged in the back and Diane held one of them in her arms, for the drive home.  She will be bottle feeding them for many weeks to come.  

 The estate farm  that these lambs were born on is just beautiful!

 The grounds were very interesting and meticulously groomed!

Everywhere you looked there were peaceful views and so much beauty to behold! ......... Sigh   :)

Have a blessed day!

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