In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Friday, February 3, 2012


I made doughnuts yesterday for the very first time!

I was a little nervous about it at first .....frying in all that HOT oil!!

But I had no trouble at all, everything went along smoothly. The entire process took all day.

The results were ....well lets just say "delicious"!

Below this post is a link to the recipe that I used. The only ingredient that I did not use was lemon rind. I didn't have any and did not want to make a run to the store just for that.

I love doughnuts and made such a piggy out of myself! So, this morning I sent what was left to the office with Vern.

Today I need to walk and workout! :)

Have a blessed day!


Gay Marie said...

Strange...I posted on this yesterday but now its gone?
Oh well. THESE DONUTS LOOK DIVINE SISTA!!! How I would love one or two right this minute with my coffee. :)
PS~ Good for you for sending them to the office with Tod!Lol!Must of been hard to watch em' walk out the front door, eh? :)

Terry said...

It was hard to see them go to the office, but it was for the best! :)