In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Springs Arrival

I just can't believe it! We are finally moving into Springtime weather this week. The temps are suppose to rise into the high 60's!
This morning there was a very heavy frost on Vern's car windows. I thought the pattern that the frost made on his rear window was really interesting....kinda like a glacier!

When Rusty and I went for a walk this morning, I spotted the first blooming crocus out by the mailbox! Made me smile from ear to ear!

Spring is in the Air!

This pair of Blue Birds were singing the sweetest little love song to each other as we walked by.
Maybe this week I will have a chance to start getting my hands dirty again and clean out some of the flower beds.
Hmmm....the spirit is willing but oh the flesh is weak! :)

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Gay Marie said...

We are tetering on some nice will be here soon. I cleaned out the garage yesterday, froze my butt off though. I saw a Robin yestderday! :) And the birds have started singing in the early morning hours! Yippee!
And our new patio set has shipped and on its way too. That will really make it feel like spring. :)