I cant believe it has been a week since I last posted. Time is just zippin by!
I do like to stay active and busy, that's just the way the Lord wired me!
One of the exciting things that happened to me last Friday was the rescue of a little boy who became frightened after climbing through a very long, dark, wet, muddy, spider web infested drainage pipe that runs from the field into the woods behind my house. There is a metal grate at one end of the drain pipe and this is where the little boy was stuck..... he had somehow found the courage to climb into the pipe, but was afraid to climb back through the pipe to get out!
I was standing at my kitchen sink when I first heard their screams and crys for help! I ran outside to see what was the matter and to offer my help. Well, needless to say this little boy was in quite a pickel! I went into the pipe first on my hands and knees, following behind me was another little boy. After we crawled quite a distance, the trapped boy could see us and started to crawl towards us. We all emerged from that nasty pipe covered in mud and webs but we were all safe and so happy to be back out into the sunshine again!
About an hour later the boys rang my doorbell, and when I opened the door I was presented with these Pretty flowers and adorable hand made thank you cards from the boys. So sweet!
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