In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Beautiful Summer Day

It sure was a beautiful, sunny and warm day!

Temp was in the high 90's, with just enough of a gentle breeze to cool you off a little bit. First thing this morning, Vern and I headed down a nearby country road to visit a local produce stand and get some yummy corn for dinner. I just could not reisist the fresh picked blueberries too!

We ended this gorgeous day with an evening bike ride.

I snapped this picture of our shadows as we peddled along the road!

Our bodies are so distorted looking........... so funny!

Have a blessed evening!

1 comment:

Gay Marie said...

Giadaon food network just made some blueberry & marscapone turnovers that looked unbelievable. Might have to try that recipe.