In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Monday, October 31, 2011

Frost On The Pumpkin

Look and see! We had our very first frost this morning! I just can't believe it!
It's unusually early this fall! We even had sleet and snow flurries over the weekend! Some areas in the north east were hit hard with a heavy snowfall!

My flowers in the garden looked like the edges were dipped in a sugar coating!

Even the water in the birdbath was frozen! I guess it's time to get my heated birdbath out of storage!

The birds also ate all of the berries off of the Autumn Olive tree! I hope that it's not an indicator of a bad winter ahead of us. Usually they eat these berries much later in the season!
Oh well, even though it's only 31 degrees outside this morning, it's warm and cozy in the house and the sunrise was just beautiful!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Crazy Daisy's and Spring Bulbs!

I spent the entire day yesterday planting spring bulbs in the garden. Planting bulbs is such a tedious process! It's truly not one of my favorite things to do! It takes me a long time to decide where I want to place each bulb, and then you must dig to just the right depth for that bulb, mix some bone meal in with the soil, cover the bulb, water and then move on! It is a time consuming process, but the big payoff will come in the springtime and I will be blessed with lots of beautiful, colorful, sweet smelling flowers to enjoy! I can't wait! :)

When I was planting my bulbs I enjoyed the company of these pretty daisy's which are still going strong! I dont know how much longer they will be blooming, but for now I will enjoy them!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Great Pumpkin!

We took our grandsons to a pumpkin patch this weekend and I noticed off in the distance this "HUGE" fake pumpkin placed behind a shed! It was so unexpected....and it cracked me up!

Hope your day is blessed! :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Suddenly It's Fall!

Yesterday we had very high winds and during the night the temps dropped into the 40's. Brrr!

The sunrise was so beautiful this morning that the leaves looked like they were shimmering with gold dust! Then I noticed the back porch covered in leaves...and I realized that fall has finally made it's arrival!

Hope your day is blessed!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pink Ribbon Eggs

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month!
Around our small town we have this movement called "Paint the Town Pink". All of the shop windows are decorated with pink displays and words of encouragement for all who ran in the various marathons and for those who are battling breast cancer! What a surprise I had when I opened this carton of eggs and noticed the pink ribbons stamped on them!
Cute idea for such a worthy cause!

Have a Blessed Day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Space Spider!

As he sees it!

As I see it.

I couldn't help but notice this very large spider that has made his web from my front steps to the bushes. I put my camera under his web and took a picture of the view that he was enjoying!
It looks like he is lost in space and orbiting the earth! :)
Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Fathers Love

I was in the living room dusting the furniture this week at dad's house, when I heard the sound of the lawn mower whizzing by the window. I ran and got my camera and snapped this picture of dad. He is such an amazing man! Always on the move leaving no stone unturned! He rises every morning before the sun comes up and he seizes the day! His energy is unlimited! He has been like this my whole life....always on the move.......always doing something...a hard working man his entire life that provided well for his family that he dearly loved. He took his role as provider seriously. I never once heard him complain about having to go to work. Even though we are all grown now and have families of our own he was and still is a man that wants to protect and be there for his six children. His love for his family is endless. I feel so blessed to have a such a wonderful and loving father! This Sunday he will be turning 82! As he makes a wish and blows out his birthday candles, I will be thanking the Lord for this wonderful man we call Dad.

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Empty Nest

We are surrounded by acres and acres of beautiful farmland. On some of these rolling acres there sits empty homes. Abandoned, for one reason or another..left for nature to reclaim.

These two homes that I am showing you are my favorites. One is a mansion of sorts and the other is a sweet little cottage. I have a softness in my heart for these old homes. My eyes are always drawn to them, along with my wild imagination as I wonder about their history and the people that once lived behind their walls. I like to think about all of the different seasons of life that these homes have stood through. Weddings, Births, Christmas mornings, laughter, tears.....if walls could talk!

Hope your day is blessed!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Soup Time

I made a pot of Corn Chowder this afternoon to have for dinner tonight! It's going to be so good with some nice warm crusty bread on the side.
Oh my..... so yummy! :)

Hope you had a blessed day!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lunch on The Water

I had lunch yesterday in Annapolis at this sweet little restaurant located on the Severn River.

The views of the Naval Academy and the bridge were picturesque! It was a perfect October day to eat outside and just enjoy the sunshine! Even the ducks could not resist soaking it all in!
Hope your day is blessed!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sunshine On My Shoulders

The rain and clouds have finally moved on out, and this morning the sun was shining for the first time in days! I headed out very early to do some edging and much needed weeding. The weeds pull out so much easier after a good rain. It was such a cool and beautiful morning and I loved the feel of the warm sun beating on my back as I felt wonderful! I noticed all the berries on the Autumn Olive Tree...hmmmm wonder if it's a sign of a nasty winter coming? I sure hope not!
I also couldn't resist this bee on top of the electric orange zinnia ...the zinnia's color stuck out like a neon sign and just screamed at me to take it's picture! :)

Hope you have a blessed day!